CUSTOM BIKE SHOW & Il Padrino will be there

  CUSTOM BIKE SHOW in Bad Salzuflen & Il Padrino will be there with its own stand. The CUSTOMBIKE SHOW in Bad Salzuflen is the world's largest trade fair for converted motorcycles. Numerous customizers, dealers, manufacturers and companies present everything you need to know about customizing motorcycles. In addition to more than 1,000 refined machines, trikes and trailers, technical and general motorcycle accessories, there is also a lot of cool motorcycle clothing, helmets, accessories and jewelry at CUSTOMBIKE, as well as everything to do with airbrushing. A spectacular and unforgettable supporting program awaits you at the motorcycle trade fair with highlights such as the Biker Build-Off and countless special exhibitions. As a biker or just a two-wheeler fan, you shouldn't...

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